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Make Friends with a Book in North Wales

Written by Lisa Spurgin, 21st August 2013

waleslogoIn October last year, The Reader Organisation received over £236,000 from Big Lottery Wales to take shared reading into the fourth corner of the UK. Our specially recruited North Wales team have been hard at work preparing and now we're excited to say that the Reading Revolution is coming to life in North Wales.

Over the next three years, we're developing a shared reading project across the region, establishing over 30 groups in a variety of settings throughout the community for people of all ages and in both English and Welsh. The Make Friends with a Book project begins in September with the first shared reading groups running weekly in libraries in Holywell, Llanberis, Llanrwst and Penrhyn. In the coming months there will be more groups set up across North Wales, so if you're in the area keep your eyes peeled...

Cup of tea and a storyHowever, if you're aged 11-13 and live in Bangor you don't have to wait to start sharing reading as there's a group running just for you each Monday afternoon, 4.45-6pm in Bangor Library. Round off your summer with some great stories - and once school is in again, the group keeps going so there's no need to miss out.

The new Make Friends with a Book groups in North Wales are as follows:

  • Holywell Library, Flintshire - Mondays, 12-1.15pm from 2nd September 2013
  • Llanberis Library, Llanberis  - Mondays, 3-4.30pm (after school group for children aged 7-11) from 16th September 2013 (NB: This group will be through the medium of Welsh)
  • Llanrwst Library, Gwynedd - Mondays, 3.30-5pm from 16th September 2013
  • Penrhyn Bay Library, Penrhyn Bay - Thursdays, 10-11.30am from 19th September 2013
  • Rhyl Library, Rhyl - Thursdays, 1.30-3pm from 17th October 2013
  • Bangor Library - Mondays, 4.45-6pm (for children aged 11-13)

Our North Wales team will also be at this year's Gladfest at Gladstone's Library, Hawarden, running shared reading taster sessions for 6-10 year olds on Saturday 7th September at 11.30am and 1.30pm.

You can find out more about our project in North Wales on our website, and head to our Reading With Us group map for updates on community groups in the area.

1 thoughts on “Make Friends with a Book in North Wales

[…] to Calderstones Mansion House, started our Llais a Llyfr/Make Friends With A Book project across North Wales and celebrated the second year of one of our most successful partnerships with Forum Housing in […]

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