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A statement in light of recent attacks

Written by Lily Kehoe, 6th August 2024

The Reader currently runs Shared Reading Groups for asylum seekers and refugees and/or those who have English as an additional language across the UK. We, like so many, are devastated to see the deplorable violent attacks on communities and are reflecting on the words of one of our wonderful volunteer Reader Leaders, Jane who runs one of these Shared Reading groups. Her words feel more poignant now than ever:

For displaced people, so much of their interaction with their new country is transactional – filling in forms and so on. I wanted to communicate with them as humans – soul to soul.  

“Shared Reading really is a way to meet people as equals, where we are all learning from each other. The literature is a catalyst for connection which is so needed by transient and marginalised communities. For that hour when we’re stuck into a great poem or story they feel seen and heard.”
We stand strong in our belief that by building communities, we are all stronger and that literature offers a vital way to explore and discover what unites us. So we are immensely grateful to our staff, partners and volunteers across the UK who are offering their communities comfort and connection through Shared Reading.
Shared Reading is, and always will be for everyone.

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