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9 things I’ve learnt from Shared Reading in the UK’s most secure prisons
As our Criminal Justice People and Project Manager, Kate Bramhall, moves onto pastures new she reflects on her time at…

UK’s only clinical Shared Reading group for patients with chronic pain ‘gives huge boost to wellbeing and enjoyment of life’, says Liverpool pain consultant
In August BBC broadcaster Kirsty Young opened up on Radio 4’s Today programme about her struggle with chronic pain and…

Award-winning UK poets Imtiaz Dharker and Liz Berry to read from latest work at Wirral Borough of Culture 2024
Following August’s successful event with author Sarah Hall, award-winning poets Imtiaz Dharker and Liz Berry will be reading from and…

Launching a new weekly Black Joy Shared Reading group in Liverpool this month
We're celebrating joy in black British literature and launching Shared Reading: Black Joy in Liverpool from Monday 14 October. This…

Meet The Reader: Staff Spotlight with Tavia Panton
Tavia Panton is our Children and Young Persons Project Lead at The Reader. She is also about to begin leading…

Shared Dreams: The Shared Reading Group for Parents Seeking Asylum
Two years ago a new Shared Reading group was set up for families seeking asylum whose children attend the council’s…

Shared Conversation: How Online Shared Reading is Alleviating Loneliness
Former charity manager Diana, who is housebound, has been participating in regular weekly online Shared Reading for the last three…

Shared Community: The Shared Reading Group making a difference for asylum seekers in the North West
How one Shared Reading group is making a difference for asylum seekers in the North West ‘For displaced people, so…

Celebrating Our Haringey Volunteers
On 7th June, we joined several Voluntary and Community Sector organisations and volunteers in Haringey outside the pavilion in the…

Could you volunteer to lead Shared Reading groups to support wellbeing of Asylum Seekers and Refugees?
We're launching an innovative new project in Halton for refugees and asylum seekers with an ESOL (English for Speakers of…

Meet The Reader: Jess Harrison
Jess Harrison is our Data Training and Engagement Lead at The Reader. She also co-leads Shared Reading: Pride on the…

Building Community: Launching two Shared Reading in Halton for asylum seekers, refugees and Halton residents
Two new Shared Reading groups are launching in Halton for asylum seekers and refugees and Halton residents. With thanks to the generous support…