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Celebrating Our Haringey Volunteers

Written by Lily Kehoe, 12th July 2024

On 7th June, we joined several Voluntary and Community Sector organisations and volunteers in Haringey outside the pavilion in the lovely Bruce Castle Park for the launch event for Loneliness Awareness Week 2024.

The event was hosted by The Reader’s long term Haringey partners Haringey Reach and Connect, marking, among other borough-wide achievements, another year of our partnership after we produced and released a video, showcasing the Read and Connect project through the Shared Reading group at Jacksons Lane Arts Centre together around the time of LAW last year.

Photo: Haringey Reach and Connect partner staff Juliet, Filiz (The Reader), Margaret (vol), HRC partner staff Paul, Helen (vol), Joanna (vol)

A number of wonderful projects and the dedication of their volunteers were recognised at the event for their work in combatting social isolation and loneliness, but the highlight of the day for us was no doubt the award our Shared Reading volunteers were presented with by the Mayor of Haringey for their contribution to creating connections through our seven Shared Reading groups in the borough. Although all the Haringey volunteers couldn’t be there, it was wonderful to get together and have some cake and coffee with those who could make it, and of course with our partners, to celebrate the impact of Shared Reading, and to spot two group members in the audience as well!

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