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“I am always surprised how much better I feel” Elaine’s Volunteering Story

Written by Lily Kehoe, 25th March 2025

When Elaine retired from her busy job in the NHS she looked for opportunities to spend more time outdoors. Following a family bereavement, Elaine joined The Reader's Volunteer Gardening Group at the Mansion House, Calderstones Park in early 2024 and found it to be a safe and non-judgmental space to spend time with others and explore her love of gardening. 

This has enabled me to move forwards step by step through my grief. Some days I feel despondent, but I am always surprised how much better I feel after I’ve done a few hours gardening. In essence, the group has acted as a life line for me. No volunteering day is same and there is always something that needs doing.

I feel as if I am giving something back to the community. I was involved in showing  children a few minibeasts during the school summer holidays which I found particularly rewarding.
Members of the public regularly complement our group on the ‘beautiful’ borders created over the last year. I enjoy chatting with people and they always have a few questions to ask.
I enjoy getting my hands dirty , weeding and mulching the borders to improve the soil. I enjoy taking time to stop for a minute and watch bees busily dancing from flower to flower.

Cartoon by Joanne, Elaine's daughter

Find out more about how to become a Gardening Volunteer here.

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