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March’s Stories and Poems

Written by Lily Kehoe, 18th March 2025

With spring on its way, the world around us is beginning to fill up with new wonders. This month, we bring together selections from our Wonder Bookshelf with choices from Shared Reading groups in different locations, including texts that have helped to build The Reader and the model of Shared Reading into what it is today.

Featured from the Reader Bookshelf are extracts from Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and The Tempest by William Shakespeare, and a poem from Joy Harjo’s collection She Had Some Horses. These selections explore moments of conflict and fear, whereby power is misused and balance is disrupted, considering what the effects of such difficulty may be and where resolution might be sought.

March’s stories and extracts open up experiences of different lives, and in doing so, let us wonder upon the hopes and dreams, regrets and losses which can be familiar to so many of us. Among this month’s selections are pieces which showcase Shared Reading in libraries, and, following a hugely popular session for Reader Leaders at the beginning of the year, we’re very pleased to have Marnie Kennedy, Reader Leader at The Duncairn arts centre in North Belfast, recommending some of her top picks of Irish literature.

March’s stories and extracts are:

Dreams of bliss that cannot be realised (extract from Frankenstein) by Mary Shelley

Nomad by Bernie McGill

Out of Hand by Jackie Kay

Half touched with wonder (extract from Cider with Rosie) by Laurie Lee

What torment (extract from The Tempest) by William Shakespeare

This month sees a very special Masterclass taking place at the Mansion House at Calderstones, as Jane Davis, Founder of The Reader, explores six poems that have been key to the development of Shared Reading. Two of these poems are featured in this month’s poetry selections, alongside reflections from Jane about why they are so important. We also look forward to the start of spring, reflecting on how nature can be both testing and revitalising to the human body and spirit.

Crossing the Bar by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Call It Fear by Joy Harjo – from She Had Some Horses

Quarantine by Eavan Boland

From Blossoms by Li-Young Lee

The Floor by Russell Edson

If you're a Reader Leader head to the Online Community Hub to download this month's selection.

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