The Reader Podcast: Episode Two Out Now
When, in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes,
I all alone beweep my outcast state,
And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries,
And look upon myself and curse my fate,
Sonnet 29, William Shakespeare
We’re giddy with excitement to tell you that the second episode of our brand new podcast is out now.

In Episode Two, host Frances Macmillan takes a deep dive into a single poem, Shakespeare’s Sonnet 29. We revisit Shared Reading groups as members explore this poem together, and discuss how the words have moved them in different – and sometimes unexpected – ways.
There’s also an interview with Philip Davis, who talks about his experience of unpacking this poem in Shared Reading sessions, as well as an extract from a National Prison Radio programme, where Shaun from The Reader reads the sonnet aloud.
Episodes One and Two are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Podbean now.
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