100% of teachers have said:
This experience met their school's learning objectives very well
They'd recommend The Storybarn to other school groups
The experience provided a valuable learning experience for our pupils
National Curriculum Links
Pupils should:
- be encouraged to read for pleasure and to link what they read or hear to their own experiences
- explore significant historical events, people and places in their own locality
- take part in outdoor activity challenges
- develop an awareness of the past using common words and phrases relating to the passing of time
The Great Story Adventure
Choose this package for inspiring a love of stories, unleashing imagination, exciting outdoor adventures, inspiring creativity. For KS1 and KS2.
On this full day trip, we’ll spend half the day in the Storybarn and half the day exploring Calderstones Park. Your class will experience Shared Reading, book talk, story building, creative crafts and imaginative play.
Things to know:
- Prices from £300
- The day runs from 10am – 2.30pm
- A maximum of two classes per day
- A designated space for packed lunches
- Led by two Storyhunters throughout the day
- Half day Storybarn visits available for EYFS aged children
- If you have a small nursery class, or nurture group with additional needs ask us about our bespoke introductory trip
- Multiclass discounts available on request

Step Back in Time - Heritage
Choose this package and learn about changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age, The Calder Stones, late Neolithic hunter-gatherers and early farmers with our uniquely engaging, Storyhunter led approach. For KS1 and KS2.
We’ll head off on a guided Heritage Trail of Calderstones Park and get stuck into some a Shared Reading.
Things to know:
- Prices from £200
- This trip does not include time in the Storybarn
- Please dress for all weathers- a large portion of this trip will be outdoors
- A maximum of one class per day
- Led by our experienced team of Heritage Storyhunters and Calderstones Volunteers
- This trip has a cancelation fee that will be stated in the Confirmation Pack.
Storybarn on the Road
Not possible to bring your classes to us at Calderstones Park? Choose this package for exciting, inspiring, imaginative story based workshops brought directly to your school. For Early Years to KS2.
Storybarn on the Road workshops focus on reading for pleasure and feature a lively, exciting mix of interactive reading sessions, participation games, use of imagination and idea-sharing, all designed to help encourage a love of reading outside of the educational framework. Choose from a number of themes including: Fairytales, Myths & Legends, Well-Being & the fabulous Shakespeare themed ‘StorybarDs’.
Things to know:
- Sessions last approximately 1 hour, with a maximum of 4 sessions per day
£200 for a single class, £250 for two classes, £300 for three classes and £350 for 4 sessions across a whole day
- Suitable for Reception – Year 6 classes
- Session timings can work flexibly around your timetable, just ask!